Countdown begins towards MJ's financial ruin
(too old to reply)
Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
2005-07-13 14:13:50 UTC
Jacko's Wacko Plan Backfires
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By Roger Friedman
Fox News
Fox 411

You may have heard that Michael Jackson is being sued for $48 million.
The issue concerns a private investment adviser he hired to help him
raise money last year and early this year.

What you don't know is that Jackson's litigants have a pretty good
case, based on the complaint they filed in the Southern District Court
of New York.

That's federal court, folks. No more of that Santa Barbara County
stuff. Michael's playing in the big leagues now.

What you also don't know is that Jackson, thanks to a series of bad
decisions and unpaid bills, has no lawyer to represent him in New York

In Los Angeles, he's down to just Brian Oxman, who was fired from
Jackson's criminal defense team by Tom Mesereau, and his friend, Brent
Ayscough. They're not exactly the Dream Team.

So far, Oxman and Ayscough are having enough trouble defending Jackson
in the $4 million civil suit brought by Marc Schaffel. They're not
quite up to handling something that's 3,000 miles away and concerns 12
times as much money.

All of this means Michael's brother Randy Jackson is now in New York
trying to sort out the variety of problems stemming from this latest
and potentially catastrophic lawsuit.

Jackson not only has to shop for a law firm that will take this on, but
he has to try and deal with the many parties involved.

What's happening now is that a group called Prescient Acquisitions, a
minority-owned investment-advisory firm that is said to be
headquartered in New Jersey, is suing Michael for $48 million.

According to the sketchy information I've been able to cobble together:
Last November, Randy hired Prescient to find someone who would help
Michael buy out his $270 million worth of loans from Bank of America.

Prescient used another firm, called Transitional, and it located New
York debt buyers Fortress Investments.

Here's the important part: Fortress said it would pony up over $500
million so Jackson could pay off the Bank of America loans and buy the
half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing he doesn't already own.

Two problems came out of this.

One was that Prescient had gotten Michael, Randy or Randy's lawyer -
a guy named Don Stabler who is identified in the lawsuit as the
"authorized agent" of Michael Jackson Publishing Trust - to sign an
agreement with Prescient.

The agreement said that if Prescient found someone to bail Michael out,
the firm would get a whopping 9 percent commission on the total amount

Nine percent of $537 million is $48 million. That's what Prescient says
it is now owed.

But wait: Fortress bailed out Michael from Bank of America for only
$270 million. What happened to the other $267 million?

Well, it seems someone forgot to tell Prescient that Michael actually
can't buy "the other half" of Sony/ATV Music Publishing just because he
suddenly has the money.

The 1995 combining of Sony's publishing division and ATV was just that:
a merger. Among other things, Sony has the right to say no to a buyout.

Someone gave Prescient bad information, which it may have passed on to
Fortress. So Fortress wound up buying only Jackson's Bank of America

What happens next? Does Michael even know what's going on? No one

At this point, my sources say Prescient is not done filing legal
actions against Jackson and may be ready to pull the trigger again.

Meanwhile, the clock ticks toward December of this year, when - as
stipulated in their original agreement - Sony and Jackson will have
to part ways in their joint venture.
Being a Michael Jackson fan makes you stupid.

Tattoo Vampire
Member in good standing, Hatergoon Cabal (tinc)

"You need to talk to somebody, boy. Professional. Before you go any
further beyond the deep end. You have truly become one sick bastard."
(John Lucas to Tattoo Vampire on 2-15-05
Cujo DeSockpuppet
2005-07-13 15:22:52 UTC
Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Jacko's Wacko Plan Backfires
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By Roger Friedman
Fox News
Fox 411
You may have heard that Michael Jackson is being sued for $48 million.
The issue concerns a private investment adviser he hired to help him
raise money last year and early this year.
What you don't know is that Jackson's litigants have a pretty good
case, based on the complaint they filed in the Southern District Court
of New York.
That's federal court, folks. No more of that Santa Barbara County
stuff. Michael's playing in the big leagues now.
What you also don't know is that Jackson, thanks to a series of bad
decisions and unpaid bills, has no lawyer to represent him in New York
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
In Los Angeles, he's down to just Brian Oxman, who was fired from
Jackson's criminal defense team by Tom Mesereau, and his friend, Brent
Ayscough. They're not exactly the Dream Team.
So far, Oxman and Ayscough are having enough trouble defending Jackson
in the $4 million civil suit brought by Marc Schaffel. They're not
quite up to handling something that's 3,000 miles away and concerns 12
times as much money.
All of this means Michael's brother Randy Jackson is now in New York
trying to sort out the variety of problems stemming from this latest
and potentially catastrophic lawsuit.
Jackson not only has to shop for a law firm that will take this on, but
he has to try and deal with the many parties involved.
All while sucking off kiddies in Bahrain.
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
What's happening now is that a group called Prescient Acquisitions, a
minority-owned investment-advisory firm that is said to be
headquartered in New Jersey, is suing Michael for $48 million.
Last November, Randy hired Prescient to find someone who would help
Michael buy out his $270 million worth of loans from Bank of America.
Prescient used another firm, called Transitional, and it located New
York debt buyers Fortress Investments.
Here's the important part: Fortress said it would pony up over $500
million so Jackson could pay off the Bank of America loans and buy the
half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing he doesn't already own.
Two problems came out of this.
One was that Prescient had gotten Michael, Randy or Randy's lawyer -
a guy named Don Stabler who is identified in the lawsuit as the
"authorized agent" of Michael Jackson Publishing Trust - to sign an
agreement with Prescient.
The agreement said that if Prescient found someone to bail Michael out,
the firm would get a whopping 9 percent commission on the total amount
Nine percent of $537 million is $48 million. That's what Prescient says
it is now owed.
But wait: Fortress bailed out Michael from Bank of America for only
$270 million. What happened to the other $267 million?
Well, it seems someone forgot to tell Prescient that Michael actually
can't buy "the other half" of Sony/ATV Music Publishing just because he
suddenly has the money.
a merger. Among other things, Sony has the right to say no to a buyout.
Which they will unless someone makes a killer offer. I sincerely doubt
Wacko would be the one they sell it to in any case. So that 267M is
hiding with Wacko in Bahrain?

That's a good question considering that Wacko had trouble meeting payroll
a few months ago.
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Someone gave Prescient bad information, which it may have passed on to
Fortress. So Fortress wound up buying only Jackson's Bank of America
Gee, I wonder who did that? It almost sounds to me like there's a case
for fraud coming up! That's a *criminal* charge.
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
What happens next? Does Michael even know what's going on? No one
At this point, my sources say Prescient is not done filing legal
actions against Jackson and may be ready to pull the trigger again.
Wacko has fucked himself again.
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Meanwhile, the clock ticks toward December of this year, when - as
stipulated in their original agreement - Sony and Jackson will have
to part ways in their joint venture.
IIRC, this also means that Wacko will have more debt.
Cujo - The Official Overseer of Kooks and Trolls in
dfw.*, alt.paranormal, alt.astrology and alt.astrology.metapsych.
Winner of the 8/2000 & 2/2003 HL&S award. Hail Petitmorte!
Colonel of the Fanatic Legion. FL# 555-PLNTY Motto: ABUNDANCE!.
Charter Member - Digital Brownshirts and Library Gestapo.
"I have always thought that the reason Dinosaurs were so big is because
of the dramatic difference in gravitational strength between that time
period and now" - Edmo the paleontologist.
Penas Sorus
2005-07-13 15:49:01 UTC
On 13 Jul 2005, Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Someone gave Prescient bad information, which it may have passed on to
Fortress. So Fortress wound up buying only Jackson's Bank of America
Mebbe wacko's bidness manager brudder "misread" the loan agreement?

Pope Frogbutt I
2005-07-13 19:03:26 UTC
Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Jacko's Wacko Plan Backfires
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By Roger Friedman
Fox News
Fox 411
You may have heard that Michael Jackson is being sued for $48 million.
The issue concerns a private investment adviser he hired to help him
raise money last year and early this year.
What you don't know is that Jackson's litigants have a pretty good
case, based on the complaint they filed in the Southern District Court
of New York.
That's federal court, folks. No more of that Santa Barbara County
stuff. Michael's playing in the big leagues now.
What you also don't know is that Jackson, thanks to a series of bad
decisions and unpaid bills, has no lawyer to represent him in New York
In Los Angeles, he's down to just Brian Oxman, who was fired from
Jackson's criminal defense team by Tom Mesereau, and his friend, Brent
Ayscough. They're not exactly the Dream Team.
So far, Oxman and Ayscough are having enough trouble defending Jackson
in the $4 million civil suit brought by Marc Schaffel. They're not
quite up to handling something that's 3,000 miles away and concerns 12
times as much money.
All of this means Michael's brother Randy Jackson is now in New York
trying to sort out the variety of problems stemming from this latest
and potentially catastrophic lawsuit.
Jackson not only has to shop for a law firm that will take this on, but
he has to try and deal with the many parties involved.
What's happening now is that a group called Prescient Acquisitions, a
minority-owned investment-advisory firm that is said to be
headquartered in New Jersey, is suing Michael for $48 million.
Last November, Randy hired Prescient to find someone who would help
Michael buy out his $270 million worth of loans from Bank of America.
Prescient used another firm, called Transitional, and it located New
York debt buyers Fortress Investments.
Here's the important part: Fortress said it would pony up over $500
million so Jackson could pay off the Bank of America loans and buy the
half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing he doesn't already own.
Two problems came out of this.
One was that Prescient had gotten Michael, Randy or Randy's lawyer -
a guy named Don Stabler who is identified in the lawsuit as the
"authorized agent" of Michael Jackson Publishing Trust - to sign an
agreement with Prescient.
The agreement said that if Prescient found someone to bail Michael out,
the firm would get a whopping 9 percent commission on the total amount
Nine percent of $537 million is $48 million. That's what Prescient says
it is now owed.
But wait: Fortress bailed out Michael from Bank of America for only
$270 million. What happened to the other $267 million?
Well, it seems someone forgot to tell Prescient that Michael actually
can't buy "the other half" of Sony/ATV Music Publishing just because he
suddenly has the money.
a merger. Among other things, Sony has the right to say no to a buyout.
Someone gave Prescient bad information, which it may have passed on to
Fortress. So Fortress wound up buying only Jackson's Bank of America
What happens next? Does Michael even know what's going on? No one
At this point, my sources say Prescient is not done filing legal
actions against Jackson and may be ready to pull the trigger again.
Meanwhile, the clock ticks toward December of this year, when - as
stipulated in their original agreement - Sony and Jackson will have
to part ways in their joint venture.
It won't be long before Wacko is asking people if they want him to super
Meet the f'loons:

Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273

"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
Rooster Cockburn
2005-07-13 20:16:16 UTC
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Jacko's Wacko Plan Backfires
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By Roger Friedman
Fox News
Fox 411
You may have heard that Michael Jackson is being sued for $48 million.
The issue concerns a private investment adviser he hired to help him
raise money last year and early this year.
What you don't know is that Jackson's litigants have a pretty good
case, based on the complaint they filed in the Southern District Court
of New York.
That's federal court, folks. No more of that Santa Barbara County
stuff. Michael's playing in the big leagues now.
What you also don't know is that Jackson, thanks to a series of bad
decisions and unpaid bills, has no lawyer to represent him in New York
In Los Angeles, he's down to just Brian Oxman, who was fired from
Jackson's criminal defense team by Tom Mesereau, and his friend, Brent
Ayscough. They're not exactly the Dream Team.
So far, Oxman and Ayscough are having enough trouble defending Jackson
in the $4 million civil suit brought by Marc Schaffel. They're not
quite up to handling something that's 3,000 miles away and concerns 12
times as much money.
All of this means Michael's brother Randy Jackson is now in New York
trying to sort out the variety of problems stemming from this latest
and potentially catastrophic lawsuit.
Jackson not only has to shop for a law firm that will take this on, but
he has to try and deal with the many parties involved.
What's happening now is that a group called Prescient Acquisitions, a
minority-owned investment-advisory firm that is said to be
headquartered in New Jersey, is suing Michael for $48 million.
Last November, Randy hired Prescient to find someone who would help
Michael buy out his $270 million worth of loans from Bank of America.
Prescient used another firm, called Transitional, and it located New
York debt buyers Fortress Investments.
Here's the important part: Fortress said it would pony up over $500
million so Jackson could pay off the Bank of America loans and buy the
half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing he doesn't already own.
Two problems came out of this.
One was that Prescient had gotten Michael, Randy or Randy's lawyer -
a guy named Don Stabler who is identified in the lawsuit as the
"authorized agent" of Michael Jackson Publishing Trust - to sign an
agreement with Prescient.
The agreement said that if Prescient found someone to bail Michael out,
the firm would get a whopping 9 percent commission on the total amount
Nine percent of $537 million is $48 million. That's what Prescient says
it is now owed.
But wait: Fortress bailed out Michael from Bank of America for only
$270 million. What happened to the other $267 million?
Well, it seems someone forgot to tell Prescient that Michael actually
can't buy "the other half" of Sony/ATV Music Publishing just because he
suddenly has the money.
a merger. Among other things, Sony has the right to say no to a buyout.
Someone gave Prescient bad information, which it may have passed on to
Fortress. So Fortress wound up buying only Jackson's Bank of America
What happens next? Does Michael even know what's going on? No one
At this point, my sources say Prescient is not done filing legal
actions against Jackson and may be ready to pull the trigger again.
Meanwhile, the clock ticks toward December of this year, when - as
stipulated in their original agreement - Sony and Jackson will have
to part ways in their joint venture.
It won't be long before Wacko is asking people if they want him to super
Could you imagine those hands handling your order? EWWWWWWWWWW!
I won't even bring up the poop fetish and weak bowels, oops.
Post by Cujo DeSockpuppet
Lady Motown: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=185542
Deggie: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181922
Pam: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=180995
Kenny: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181357
John: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181326
Keesha: http://www.imagedump.com/index.cgi?pick=get&tp=181273
"HIAY HU WANTZ 2 FEELL MAI TITS?////" - Britney Spears discovers the
alan jones
2005-07-15 11:32:45 UTC
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Jacko's Wacko Plan Backfires
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
By Roger Friedman
Fox News
Fox 411
You may have heard that Michael Jackson is being sued for $48 million.
The issue concerns a private investment adviser he hired to help him
raise money last year and early this year.
What you don't know is that Jackson's litigants have a pretty good
case, based on the complaint they filed in the Southern District Court
of New York.
That's federal court, folks. No more of that Santa Barbara County
stuff. Michael's playing in the big leagues now.
What you also don't know is that Jackson, thanks to a series of bad
decisions and unpaid bills, has no lawyer to represent him in New York
In Los Angeles, he's down to just Brian Oxman, who was fired from
Jackson's criminal defense team by Tom Mesereau, and his friend, Brent
Ayscough. They're not exactly the Dream Team.
So far, Oxman and Ayscough are having enough trouble defending Jackson
in the $4 million civil suit brought by Marc Schaffel. They're not
quite up to handling something that's 3,000 miles away and concerns 12
times as much money.
All of this means Michael's brother Randy Jackson is now in New York
trying to sort out the variety of problems stemming from this latest
and potentially catastrophic lawsuit.
Jackson not only has to shop for a law firm that will take this on, but
he has to try and deal with the many parties involved.
What's happening now is that a group called Prescient Acquisitions, a
minority-owned investment-advisory firm that is said to be
headquartered in New Jersey, is suing Michael for $48 million.
Last November, Randy hired Prescient to find someone who would help
Michael buy out his $270 million worth of loans from Bank of America.
Prescient used another firm, called Transitional, and it located New
York debt buyers Fortress Investments.
Here's the important part: Fortress said it would pony up over $500
million so Jackson could pay off the Bank of America loans and buy the
half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing he doesn't already own.
Two problems came out of this.
One was that Prescient had gotten Michael, Randy or Randy's lawyer -
a guy named Don Stabler who is identified in the lawsuit as the
"authorized agent" of Michael Jackson Publishing Trust - to sign an
agreement with Prescient.
The agreement said that if Prescient found someone to bail Michael out,
the firm would get a whopping 9 percent commission on the total amount
Nine percent of $537 million is $48 million. That's what Prescient says
it is now owed.
But wait: Fortress bailed out Michael from Bank of America for only
$270 million. What happened to the other $267 million?
Well, it seems someone forgot to tell Prescient that Michael actually
can't buy "the other half" of Sony/ATV Music Publishing just because he
suddenly has the money.
a merger. Among other things, Sony has the right to say no to a buyout.
Someone gave Prescient bad information, which it may have passed on to
Fortress. So Fortress wound up buying only Jackson's Bank of America
What happens next? Does Michael even know what's going on? No one
At this point, my sources say Prescient is not done filing legal
actions against Jackson and may be ready to pull the trigger again.
I almost missed this Article.. I wonder what Rodger means when he
refers in the last paragraph to 'the original agreement'.

Is this in the public records? Is it normal for companies to be start
up, with a date on their dissolution? I don't get this. What happens in
to the 'third largest music publishing company in the world', does it
simply dissolve?

Perhaps it in regards to that dissolution that Michael needs the extra
"buy back" money. It would explain a lot. In which case, Michael would
in spite of his debts, have exclusive ownership of ATV and the of course
the Beatles Library.

This is yet another context to view recent events. With this clock
ticking all along, it could explain so much.. Geez who knew?
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Meanwhile, the clock ticks toward December of this year, when - as
stipulated in their original agreement - Sony and Jackson will have
to part ways in their joint venture.
2005-07-15 11:49:06 UTC
Post by alan jones
Post by Pam and her criminal family are nothing but human garbage
Jacko's Wacko Plan Backfires
I almost missed this Article.. I wonder what Rodger means when he
refers in the last paragraph to 'the original agreement'.
He means the original agreement. Alan. How much more clear can he be?
Post by alan jones
Is this in the public records? Is it normal for companies to be start
up, with a date on their dissolution? I don't get this.
You're confused about most things.
Post by alan jones
What happens in
to the 'third largest music publishing company in the world', does it
simply dissolve?
That's what happens when you financially ruin companies.
Post by alan jones
Perhaps it in regards to that dissolution that Michael needs the extra
"buy back" money. It would explain a lot. In which case, Michael would
in spite of his debts, have exclusive ownership of ATV and the of course
the Beatles Library.
When you defalut loans you don't have exclusive ownership of anything.
Your creditors can take whatever they want in a court of law until the
loan is considered paid. Everyone knows this.
Post by alan jones
This is yet another context to view recent events. With this clock
ticking all along, it could explain so much.. Geez who knew?
But you'll still be confused.

